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    Family Messages

    We started mobile special education 14 months ago. When we started, Emir was a child who did not react at all to his name, did not use his index finger, used words in an unconscious unconscious way even if he had words that did not receive commands, had little eye contact, and we were anxious parents who did not know what to do as parents.
    But now Emir has started kindergarten as a child who expresses himself with words, takes commands and makes more eye contact. Our adaptation process took place in a very short time and our anxiety was replaced by hope and happiness.
    Koray teacher, Baturay teacher and his team touched Emir’s life so beautifully …
    Fortunately, we knocked on the door of the first Koray Uygur Movable Special Education.
    It is a solution-oriented place that acts according to the child, not according to the curriculum, and the most beautiful part of this place is that while my child is receiving education inside, we can sit and chat with my Koray Uygur teacher outside, and every conversation is an education for me.
    I learnt everything I should do from books and social media, but I learnt what I shouldn’t do from my teacher Koray Uygur.
    I think I am in the right place about special education, I hope you will touch the lives of more children.

    Ayşe Nur Hanım

    Emir's Mother

    Hello Hocam, it has been 2 months since I started training with you. There have been very nice changes in my son in such a short period of time; he started to be calmer and listen to us more, command taking increased, our eating increased, our desire to sit at the table increased, he started to look more at the places I pointed to, the sounds in his mouth increased, single words increased🥰🙏It is definitely a place where you can deliver your children with confidence. We would like to thank Koray Uygur and Baturay teacher and their team🙏Our teachers are very sincere, there is a very friendly environment 🤗An education center that must be visited 💞Tuna’s mother and father

    Sevinç Hanım

    Tuna's Mother

    No matter what I write here, it cannot compare to the smile that this team brings to the faces of parents who want their children to do well. The person who will do this job must first of all have very good empathy skills and you have this in spades. You are aware that understanding is necessary for a solution. You have helped many families. May Allah be your helper too.

    Murat Bey

    Selahattin's Father

    Hello everyone, I am Çınar’s mom İremsu. My son is now 6 and a half years old. We have been with our teacher Koray for about 2.5 years. The first time we started this journey was because Çınar did not speak. When I took him to the language therapist, he said that he could not work with Çınar, that I should return to them when he started to take commands, and I found our Koray teacher, but I did not need to call them back in the future ☺️oğlum He never takes commands, does not make eye contact, if we call him 5 times, he looks at us 2 times if he wants, we never had a situation to speak until we came to our Koray teacher. Of course, like every family, we went through very difficult processes, we started kindergarten in this process, we graduated from kindergarten with the support of my Koray teacher, Baturay teacher and his team, I am glad that our paths crossed 🙏🏻 Çınar now takes commands, makes eye contact, says everything he wants, his imitation skills are at a high level. When I was coming here, I thought that we would not succeed so much that you cannot believe it, but I learned that there is nothing impossible, I saw that there are only things we need to change in ourselves. We are grateful to my teacher Koray, my teacher Baturay and all our teachers in his team who supported us in this process regardless of the day and hour. Thank God we are with you, thank God you are with us 🙏🏻

    İremsu Hanım

    Çınar's Mother

    The center that takes the best care of our son. Everyone recommends it to each other because it is not monotonous, the same programs are not applied to everyone and they do their work with love. Our child has also developed very positively in a short time. Infinite thanks to all our teachers in the institution for their efforts.

    Fatih Bey

    Emir Kağan's Father

    I can’t help saying that I am glad that our paths crossed. Although it has only been 2 weeks, we have had excellent results. Thanks to you, I am now sure that we will be even better, I see this as the difference of working with people who are experts in their business. 🙏

    Banu Hanım

    Ayaz's Mother

    I am the mother of Zeynoş baby, my 16-month-old baby had a clearly observed developmental delay and autism was suspected, 1 month before our psychiatrist control, we met Mr. Koray at the Moving Special Education Center and the suspicion of autism was removed by our doctor in a short period of 1 month.

    Büşra Hanım

    Zeynep's Mother

    My son Cinar has autism and it is our only goal as his family to make life easier for him and to turn his awareness into his best advantage in this life… We owe a debt of gratitude to Mr. Koray, Mr. Batu and their team that our paths crossed for this purpose. They have ensured the development of our children with their work, which first showed the parents that special education should not only be at the desk but in all areas of life. And imagine a team that gives us different perspectives and experiences while generalizing what we have learned in our lives… We hope that one day the paths of every child and family in need will cross ile🙏🏻.

    Tuğba Hanım

    Çınar's Mother

    We are at a stage where our life has completely changed in this facility where I have brought my son for about 5 months.My son who used to repeat everything now listens to me and behaves adapted to the environment.My son who was aggressive and belligerent is now calmer and more peaceful.I am grateful to our teachers and educators in this facility that I would have liked to get earlier.

    Suzan Hanım

    Kadir's Mother

    It has been 7 months since we started coming, so much difference has been made between our situation 7 months ago and our current situation that we are glad we met Koray Hocam Baturay Hocam and his friendly team, this beautiful and successful team saved my son from being diagnosed with autism, my child, who cannot play games with limited eye contact, who does not receive commands, now makes eye contact even with people he does not know, tries to talk, plays games on his own, and our meaningful words have started to come. Thank you very much for your intense interest and understanding, you have not left us alone on this path. May your success and your name be perpetual.

    Ceren Hanım

    Cihangir's Mother

    As someone who has never been able to benefit from special education, I wish I had met Koray Uygur before, although we have been 3 months since we started, we are so happy to see the visible changes in my son and the change in Talha in the people around us.

    Hikmet Hanım

    Talha's Mother

    Koray teacher and Baturay teacher They are very professional and a team that does their job very properly. We have been coming to them for about 2 months, thanks to the mobile special education studies they have done, thank God, our son takes very good commands, his attention span has increased, he used to play alone instead of playing with his friends before, he could not get out of the habit, he never spoke and cried constantly when he saw foreign people, he no longer cries, he started talking in 2 months and now he starts communication himself, his awareness and perception are very much. increased developmental retardation stimulus deficiency in the doctor’s control 9_10 months of retardation to 4_5 months of retardation is a very big miracle for us, the doctor was surprised and said that he would direct the patients who came to him directly here, we did not expect such a rapid development and now the diagnosis has been removed, there is almost nothing left, we have come a long way, God bless them, we thank you very much for the efforts of our teachers, we definitely recommend it without any thought, this will definitely be the best place for your child with our love and respect.

    Buse Hanım